Projectile Turkey
Calculus, Trigonometry, Logic ; Difficulty: hard

A Thanksgiving themed puzzle from The Riddler: The Projectile Turkey
From this week’s Riddler Classic comes an interesting projectile motion question.
Trig the turkey cannot fly. And so, instead of flying, he decides to jump as far as he can with a running start up one of the famed Sinusoidal Hills, all of which are precisely the same size.
Trig knows that he cannot jump a horizontal distance of more than two hills. Also, he prefers a smooth takeoff and landing. That is, when he takes off from the ground and lands on it again, the slope of his parabolic trajectory through the air must perfectly match the instantaneous slope of the ground beneath him.
The animation below shows a jump where the takeoff and landing are precisely 1.2 hills apart.
What is the greatest horizontal distance Trig can jump, such that his takeoff and landing are smooth? Again, keep in mind that Trig cannot possibly jump a horizontal distance greater than two hills.
*spoiler alert* My solution follows the image below. So feel free to pause reading if you want to try your hand at this.

Understanding the question
This problem obviously involves the basics of projectile motion and may seem like what you might get in a Physics kinematics test. Surprisingly, it is mainly a calculus/curvature problem as we shall see, with no physics needed beyond knowing that projectiles follow a parabolic trajectory! This is what makes this such an interesting question: You start with thinking you need Physics to solve it, but end up realizing it’s just mostly math.
We are told that Trig can launch from anywhere on the sinusoidal hill (What is a sinusoidal hill? It’s just the rolling hills we get with a sine (or cosine) function!), with his jump meeting the following conditions:
- Trig’s launch and landing angles are the same as the inclination of the hill at the points of liftoff and landing.
- Trig lands somewhere on the next hill and not any further beyond.
- Trig clears Hill 1. This might seem obvious and perhaps, even useless: but is actually the crux of this question as we shall see.
If you’ve done a basic Physics-Kinematics course, you might remember something about the maximum range being attained by a projectile when fired at an angle of \(45^{\large\circ} \) and might be tempted to assume that’s the best answer here giving a span of \(3\pi \) or 1.5 hill lengths. But this is wrong in this case because you are assuming that is a feasible launch that will a) clear the hill Trig is launching from and land somewhere on the next hill (vs. someplace further). As we shall see this is not the case prompting a more thorough analysis.
Set up
Let’s assume (without loss of generality) that each of our hills spans a distance of \(2\pi \). Our hills start with the flattest portion at coordinates (0,0) as shown in Fig. 1 above. To get the sine/cosine curve to line up as in our figure, the equation for the Hills can be written down as:
\color{Red}{ y = -\cos x + 1 \qquad \qquad \tag{H} \label{H}}
Let’s also assume that Trig takes off at some point that is at a horizontal distance (x-coordinate) \(x_0\) with \( 0 \leq x_0 \leq \pi\). Since Trig is on the hill, his coordinates at liftoff are \( (x_0, -\cos x_0 + 1)\).
Now basic projectile motion equations tell us that the Trig’s trajectory can be written down as
y – (1 – \cos x_0 )= x \tan \theta \ – \ \frac{g(x-x_0)^{2}}{2{v^2}\cos ^2\theta}
where g is the acceleration (deceleration due to gravity) and \(\theta\) is Trig’s liftoff angle. But as mentioned earlier, we don’t need any elaborate physics beyond the fact that the above equation describes a parabola. For our purposes we can simplify the above projectile equation and define Trig’s flight in the same coordinate system as the hills as:
\color{Red}{y = ax – bx^2 \tag{T} \label{T}}
Where a and b are some positive constants (that encapsulate all the others in the more formal equation above. We don’t need the specifics as we shall see).
With this set up we can now go ahead and solve the problem.
Solving the problem
The three constraints outlined in the Understanding the Problem section above define this problem and hence its solution. We will put them to good use:
The first thing to realize is that for any jump from \(x_0\) that satisfies the first condition outlined in the Understanding the question section above, Trig has to land on Hill 2 a distance \(x_0\) from the end of Hill i.e. from \(4\pi \), giving us a range R
\color{Red}{R = 4\pi – 2x_0 \tag{Range} \label{Range}}
This is not handwaving but a consequence of the symmetry of projectile motion and the argument that were this not so, we could always increase Trig’s jump range by making the jump symmetric around the hills. (just think about it). This range obviously increases as \(x_0\) decreases. So can we just not lift off at \(x_0 = 0\)? Well, obviously not exactly 0 since Trig doesn’t get anywhere without some lift. So how much higher up the hill should he go before liftoff?
The second thing Trig’s jump has to satisfy is that the slopes of the Hill curve and Trig’s curve have to be identical at the (symmetrical) points of liftoff and landing. Derivatives give us slopes. Now the slopes of H and T above are:
\frac{dH}{dx} &= \sin x \\
\frac{dT}{dx} &= a – 2bx \\
Equating these at \(x_0\) and \(4\pi – x_0\) gives us:
\sin x_0 &= a – 2bx_0 \\
\sin (4\pi – x_0) &= a -2b(4\pi -x_0) \qquad \\
which can be used to eliminate \(a\) to get
-2b = \frac{\sin x_0}{x_0 – 2\pi }
You might note now that neither the Range equation nor the result above prevent us from launching at say just over \(x_0\) for a range of just under 2 Hill length or \(45^{\large\circ} \) for a range of 1.5 Hill lengths. What does restrict us is the need for Trig to clear the first Hill without slamming into it at any point. Which brings us to…
The third and final thing to complete our solution is that for Trig to clear Hill 1, the hill ground below Trig has to fall off faster than his parabolic trajectory. This means the rate at which the slope of the hill falls has to be greater than the rate at which Trig’s trajectory’s slope drops. Second derivatives! Now the rates of change of the slopes are:
\frac{d^2 H}{dx^2} &= \cos x \\
\frac{d^2 T}{dx^2} &= -2b \qquad \textit{a negative constant!} \\
and clearing the hill at a chosen \(x_0\) implies:
-2b &\geq cos x_0 \\
\frac{\sin x_0}{x_0 – 2\pi} &\geq \cos x_0 \qquad \textit{using value of } -2b \textit{ from above} \\
\Rightarrow \qquad \tan x_0 &\geq x_0 – 2\pi \qquad \textit{(}x_0 < \frac{\pi}{2} \textit{ so sin and cos are positive)} \\
\Rightarrow \qquad x_0 &\geq 1.78978 \qquad \textit{solved numerically}
Plugging this value of \(x_0\) into our equation \(\eqref{Range} \) above, we get:
R = 4\pi -2(1.78978) = 8.99
The final answer in terms of Hill units: since 1 hill length = \(2\pi \)
\[ \bbox[yellow, 10px]{\displaystyle{\frac{8.99}{2\pi}} = 1.43 \textit{ hill units}} \]
We can see that this is greater than 0 and larger than \(\displaystyle{\frac{\pi}{4}}\) or beyond the \(45^{\large\circ} \) launch point textbook answer for maximum projectile range. Liftoff any earlier than 1.79 and Trig slams into Hill1 at some point and instantly becomes a Thanksgiving meal centerpiece (Trig cannot jump more than 2 Hills so his speed is restricted).
So 1.43 hill units is the best Trig can do under the circumstances. Trig’s flight is shown in the figure below. The liftoff angle is a tad lower than \(45^{\large\circ} \) at \(44.3^{\large\circ} \) as expected.
Note that this answer is independent of the actual width of the hills and any specific value of gravity etc. So this result would even hold if Trig were to ever try this stunt on the Moon, or Mars (in an appropriate spacesuit of course)!
Edit: Someone asked what if the hill height to width ratio were different. I haven’t shown this, but the answer does not change. To convince yourself just plug in a factor \(k\) into the hill Cosine equation and work through all the same steps to see that the \(k\) cancels out!
Closing Thoughts:
It’s interesting to me that we didn’t really need any Phyisics to solve this problem — initially I started working with the equation of projectile motion but realized once I got the solution that it didn’t depend on any of the actual parameters of that equation allowing my thought process to converge on abstracting out just the general simple form of a parabola. It’s also worth reiterating that the launch at \(45^{\large\circ} \) is not feasible purely because that parabola will either not clear the hill (i.e. fall under the hill curve) or overshoot Hill 2.
2 thoughts on “Projectile Turkey”
Brilliant as always !!!! Tan, cos,theta sounds familiar 🥸😁
Thank you good Doctor. Doesn’t come close to treating people and saving lives though. 🙏🏽