Book Reviews
The Code Breaker
Walter Isaacson ★★★★★ 4.5/5 Non Fiction; Science A lot more than the title suggests Walter Isaacson has mastered the writing of the Inventor-biography. He’s done it with Steve Jobs, Einstein
March 29, 2023

Book Reviews
The Bullet That Missed (Thursday Murder Club #3)
Richard Osman ★★★★★ 4.5/5 Fiction On Target Unlike the title, this latest installment, Richard Osman’s third (and presumably final) book in the Thursday Murder Club series, is bang on target—
March 28, 2023

Book Reviews
S.B. Divya ★★★★★ 3/5 Fiction A book exploring the questions everyone is (or should be) asking Over lunch recently, a friend and I were discussing what is likely top of
March 2, 2023