Trick or Treat…. or Regret
Probability; Difficulty: easy Can You Hand Out All The Candy? This week’s Riddler Classic is a relatively easy Stochastic Optimization question. The Classic reproduced: For Halloween this year, you have
Probability; Difficulty: easy Can You Hand Out All The Candy? This week’s Riddler Classic is a relatively easy Stochastic Optimization question. The Classic reproduced: For Halloween this year, you have
Probability; Difficulty: medium Probability of exactly one winner in the fifth round This week’s Riddler Classic is a conditional probability question. The Classic reproduced: A thousand people are playing Lotería, also
Sabine Hossenfelder ★★★★★ 4/5 Science A refreshing read: A big improvement over her first book Sabine Hossenfelder is a contrarian physicist that doesn’t shy away from calling out research that