How many balls in the urn?
Probability ; Difficulty: medium How many balls in the urn? This week’s Riddler Classic is a statistical parameter estimation exercise. The Classic reproduced: This week’s Classic may seem nonsensical at
Probability ; Difficulty: medium How many balls in the urn? This week’s Riddler Classic is a statistical parameter estimation exercise. The Classic reproduced: This week’s Classic may seem nonsensical at
Probability ; Difficulty: hard Can you catch the Grasshopper? This week’s Riddler Classic features a grasshopper whose position on a log is only probabilistically determined (a quantum grasshopper?). The Classic
Pobability; Difficulty: easy A Sandy Puzzle The Riddler Classic from this week (Jun 3rd, 2022) at first glance might appear to be a geometry /alegbra/calculus problem; but is a straightforward