Wondering what it's all about
(just like everyone else)
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit
-Stephen Hawking
This website was originally conceived to showcase my astro-photos, and to a smaller extent, blog about my astronomy and astrophotography journey: to share in the wonder evoked by the night sky—that awe one feels when gazing through a telescope or looking at images of the cosmos.
However, this past year (2019), I’ve made slower than intended progress with astrophotography and though not quite planned, also had to take time off work, allowing me some additional time with my interests in books, soccer and music. Consequently, the plans for this site have expanded to include more content—my thoughts on things besides astronomy as well—that I invite you to engage with.
Recent astro blog posts

M20: The Trifid Nebula

M51: The Whirlpool Galaxy

Comet 21P: Giacobini–Zinner
Book and Movie Explanations (all explainers)

3 Day Weekend: movie review and plot explanation

Dark Matter: book premise and plot explained

Recursion: book plot and timelines explained
Puzzles and Math Problems (all puzzles)
Book Review (all book reviews)

Daniel Suarez ★★★★★ 3/5 Science Fiction Promising premise, poorly executed I was recommended Daniel Suzrez’s Delta-V by a reader of my blog. I’m sure the recommendation was well meaning, but the book didn’t quite hit the spot. This despite what

The Code Breaker
Walter Isaacson ★★★★★ 4.5/5 Non Fiction; Science A lot more than the title suggests Walter Isaacson has mastered the writing of the Inventor-biography. He’s done it with Steve Jobs, Einstein and others in the past. His latest book, The Code

The Bullet That Missed (Thursday Murder Club #3)
Richard Osman ★★★★★ 4.5/5 Fiction On Target Unlike the title, this latest installment, Richard Osman’s third (and presumably final) book in the Thursday Murder Club series, is bang on target— just like the previous two. With the Thursday Murder Club